by Rhea Perry | Dec 21, 2017 | Personal
The purpose of life insurance is to replace the primary insured’s income so that in case of death, his or her dependants can pay for the person’s burial expenses and have something to invest to provide for future income. Most Americans are under-insured,...
by Rhea Perry | Aug 3, 2017 | Personal
Let the Lord be glad in His works – Psalm 104:31b The Lord feeds and clothes the earth and all His creatures. He works constantly in the lives of all mankind to save us from hell and bring us to maturity. His earth and His people require a lot of maintenance and...
by Rhea Perry | Jul 11, 2017 | Personal
I don’t live like I once did. After my very wonderful husand, who worked 40-60 hours every week so our family of 9 could barely get by, died, I decided to change things. I implemented what I had learned from many successful mentors and thousands of dollars...
by Rhea Perry | May 29, 2017 | Homeschooling, Personal, Spiritual encouragement
In contrived contests, everyone can win a prize. But in Real Life, even though some get second and third place trophies, there is only one winner. It takes character to lose gracefully and that’s one of the reasons parents encourage children to play sports. Of...
by Rhea Perry | Feb 21, 2017 | Personal, Uncategorized
In America, you have the right to disagree with your leadership and express your opinion. You even have the right to assemble in order to accomplish some specific policy change or lobby for a cause. Not all countries have those privileges. But unless there is good...
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